Kincumber Public School

Excellence, opportunity and success in a caring learning community

Telephone02 4369 1544


What is the P&C?

The Parents & Citizens Association (P&C) is a school-based organisation with a membership open to parents, teachers, students and interested citizens. It aims to promote the interests of the Kincumber Public School and to assist in providing facilities and equipment.


The Objectives of the P&C

1.   to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation; and

2.   to assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school.


What Do the P&C Members do at KPS?


The P&C at KPS runs fundraising events for the school, including Mother's Day stall, Father's Day stall, bake sales, disco’s and the Easter raffle.


The P&C also applies for tenders for additional funding from various sources. Tenders require an application with an identified project to pay for. They can only be used for what is applied for.

In 2022 the P&C was awarded the NSW Community Building Partnership tender.  This tender provided $50,000 to the school to add soft fall padding to all the playgrounds. The soft fall padding is being placed during the Winter School Holidays. 


Partnerships are arrangements between the P&C and local businesses to provide funds or services to the school. 

The P&C are working towards building a partnership with more businesses, including developing a formal partnership agreement with other businesses.

Please click the link below to see our current partnerships ...


What has the P&C Done with the Funding it Earns?

In recent years the P&C has used the money it has earned for the following:

  • New outdoor and indoor soccer goals
  • The soft fall for the playground ($50,000 tender) 
  • A $30,000 donation towards the hall upgrade (tender)
  • The Coach Kinny outfit - shh don't tell the kids!!
  • A washing machine - to wash uniforms when occasionally required
  • A donation towards Carol's bench seat
  • A donation of 50% for the new roof over the BBQ area
  • Provides the annual teachers' in-class resources fund
  • Purchased presents for Mother's Day and Father's Day stalls
  • Purchase food to sell at events, including sausage sandwiches, drinks and confectionery

The P&C membership fee provides the membership services from the P&C Federation which provides resources and insurance for the P&C activities. 


P&C Membership

Why Should I Join the P&C?

The P&C is where you find out what is going on at the school.

P&C meetings provide you with the opportunity to liaise with the school principal and staff, and to be involved in the decision-making processes relating to the school and its functions. Involvement in the P&C introduces you to other parents, establishes useful networks and often lifelong friends.

How do I Join the P&C?

To join the P&C, you need to complete a membership form (available at the school office or P&C events) and pay $1. Membership applies from March till February.

Who are the Current Executives?

The P&C is made up of the following formal roles, currently held by:

President – Belinda Cusack

Vice Presidents – Jayne Laffan and Sally Webb

Treasurer – 

Secretary – Kelli Ward

How Can I Contact the P&C?

Please email to contact the P&C.


P&C Meetings

The P&C meetings occur on the third Monday of each month. Each meeting is conducted on Teams, so you can dial into the meeting if you cannot attend. Or you can rely on the minutes distributed after the event to keep in the loop.

You can join a meeting even if you are not a member. However, you cannot vote on any motions if you are not a paying member.

The meetings are held in the school’s staff room from 7pm.

Additional meetings occur throughout the year that are focused on certain aspects of the P&C, as well as the Annual General Meeting.


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM is held at the March meeting each year. At this meeting, Office Bearer Position's (the executive) are voted on.


Annual Events

  • Mother's Day Stall (the Thursday, one week before Mother's Day)
  • Father's Day Stall (the Thursday, one week before Father's Day)