Music: Count Us In is Australia's biggest schools initiative, where students across the country sing the same song, on the same day, at the same time. In 2015, more than 550,000 students from over 2,100 schools participated nationwide. Encouraging young people to become passionate about music and music education; 2016 marks the 10th year of Music: Count Us In and Kincumber Public School's involvement.
On Thursday November 3rd at 12:30pm, children from all over Australia will join together to sing this year's song, Let It Play - same song, same day, same time!
Kincumber students from Kindergarten to Year 6 will be singing their hearts out on 3 November in our school hall and watching the event streamed live from the Sydney Opera House. This year, students will accompany our combined singing with ukuleles, guitars, violins and other musical instruments!
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