09 Oct 2011
The excitement is building as the big day draws near. Next Friday, 13 May, weather permitting, we will be assembling at Frost Reserve to run our first ever Fun Run in conjunction with the annual Primary Cross Country.
This is a fund raiser to assist with the purchase of interactive whiteboards (IWBs) for our classrooms. IWBs bring teaching and learning into the 21st Century. They have been proven to increase the motivation of students and their interaction with the curriculum. They can be used across all curriculum areas as a valuable teaching and learning tool.
IWBs are very expensive to buy so we need all the help we can get from our school community.
The students have an amazing array of incentive prizes to choose from as a reward for their efforts.
The emphasis for the day is having fun that will support health and education.
Further details are available in the school newsletter and in a separate detailed note available in Week 2.