Welcome to Stage 2
Stage 2 is the learning zone which encompasses students from Year 3 and Year 4. To learn more about stage expectations for all Key Learning Areas, please click on the links below.
Stage Statements - S2 (PDF 62KB)
Stage 2 is made up of 3 classes - 2F, 2J and 2M
Overview: Stop PBL YCDI (PDF 651KB)
Words their Way
Words Their Way is a teacher-directed, student-centred approach to vocabulary growth and spelling development whereby students engage in a variety of sound, pattern and meaning activities, sorting pictures and words. It caters for differentiated learning in the classroom, rather than a one-size fits all solution. Read more about WTW here:
Stage 2 Maths
Stage 2 classes teach 5 hours of mathematics lessons each week. Students are grouped according to learning needs and learning goals. Information on pre-and post tests will be sent home to parents according to the scope and sequence. This will be posted shortly.
Child Protection

All students participate in child protection education in Stage 2.
The focus unit for Stage 2 students in Term 1 is Recognising abuse (PDF 171KB)
Mappen is an integrated curriculum that guarantees consistency of quality teaching across each Stage 2 classroom. To find out more about Mappen, please click here: What is Mappen? (PDF 45KB)
Home learning expectations
Students are expected to engage in sustained silent reading at home for at least 10-20 minutes per day. They are expected to use the online learning Mathematics curriculum: Mathletics to practise, rehearse and embed knowledge of concepts taught in the Stage 2 classroom. Teachers will modify tasks for individual students so that students are working within their ZPD: zone of proximal development.