16 Jul 2013

Saturday, June 22, 2013
The Story Line and Mac the Sand Snake
The kids at Kincumber Public School have been creating their links to the communities of the Central Coast - flags, Chinese lanterns, hand stencils, serpents. They are inviting you to create a Story Line by planting their art works at 1m intervals, all the way up the beach to Copa. So as you start your walk, grab a stick and plant it in the Story Line as it winds its way up the beach and create the connection with between Macs Beach and Copa.
And don't overlook Mac the Sand Snake. Mac will grow if you help him, and he'll come alive if you give him colour and decoration. So bring some flowers, leaves or shells - anything colourful that is natural and bring him to life. He'll be on the beach waiting for the kiss of life from you.
Here's the timetable:
7.00 am: Registration desk open at the Surf Club at the end of Marine Pde.
7.15 am: Serving of free breakfast starts - bacon & egg sandwiches or a taste of Chinese breakfast
8.00 am:Opening ceremony starts, We Are One - featuring Acknowledgment of Country and Message stick ceremonies, Chinese music and dance, pre-schoolers ribbon dance and the kids from Kincumber Public School.
9.00am: Official start of 5 Lands Walk with walkers led up the beach by the Macs Beach bagpiper. Help build the story-line to Copacabana and bring Mac the Sand Snake alive.
Visit website: 5 Lands Walk