Kincumber Public School

Excellence, opportunity and success in a caring learning community

Telephone02 4369 1544

Class organisation

Class organisation

Classes are formed at Kincumber Public School with a focus on achieving the best possible learning outcomes for students within the mix of staff and the policies and resources made available to the school by the DoE.

It is our usual school practice to invite parents and carers to provide us with information to assist optimal class placement early in Term 4 for the following year and this is advertised in the school newsletter.

Teachers use this information and other academic and social/emotional data to form tentative classes. Parents are advised in writing of the tentative organisation and class groupings late in Term 4. Children also have the opportunity to have a half day orientation with their proposed teacher and class mates. However, classes are not finalised until the third week of the new school year as staff changes, student transfers out and new enrolments may impact the tentative class structures.

Classes in Early Stage 1 (kindergarten) and Stage 1 are usually formed as single grades where possible and classes in Stages 2 and 3 are formed as multiage or mixed grade groups.

There is usually a multiage extension class in Stages 1, 2 and 3 for more academically capable students. Selection into this class is based on academic performance and movements into and from this class are possible throughout the year.